Huni Kuin Europe Tour

A special highlight this year will be our fundraising tour with the Huni Kuin women Bunke, Batani, Rita and Nixiani. The women will be traveling through Europe with our team for almost two months. Various events are planned with presentations, art exhibitions/projects, concerts, cultural exchange and much more. You can already write down the following… Continue reading Huni Kuin Europe Tour

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Encontro 2021

The Encontro Camp this year was definitely different. Due to the current pandemic situation and the associated travel conditions, we had no participants from Germany. Nevertheless, it was our concern to let the Encontro Camp take place, especially so that the Huni Kuin women could get back into the exchange after they had been very… Continue reading Encontro 2021

Heavy floods in Acre

Severe storms in recent weeks have caused flooding in the state of Acre in Brazil. The region and city of Jordão, where many Huni Kuin live, is also badly affected. We received various requests for support, which we would like to comply with. The money will be passed on directly to the affected representatives of… Continue reading Heavy floods in Acre

We establish a foundation on site

At the moment we are in the process of creating the conditions for setting up a foundation in Brazil together with representatives of the Huni Kuin and other trusted people from Brazil. This foundation can then initiate the purchase of the land. So the goal is to make the foundation the owner of the territory.… Continue reading We establish a foundation on site

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5,300 hectares can be purchased!

Pedro and Rodrigo our partners in Brazil have had the land documents checked by lawyers. It turns out that the documents currently allow the immediate purchase of 5,300 hectares of the territory. For the remaining 11,500 hectares, the owner still has to submit the legal papers later. This will certainly boost the moment when the… Continue reading 5,300 hectares can be purchased!

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