The Encontro Camp this year was definitely different. Due to the current pandemic situation and the associated travel conditions, we had no participants from Germany.
Nevertheless, it was our concern to let the Encontro Camp take place, especially so that the Huni Kuin women could get back into the exchange after they had been very isolated since the beginning of the pandemic. The Encontro was therefore more of an internal team event this year, which we were able to use wonderfully to reconnect, celebrate together and further develop joint projects. Instead of the usual one week Encontro Camp, we stretched the program to two weeks.
And so Encontro 2021 became a very familiar, internal coming together of three cultures: the German/European, the Brazilian and the Huni Kuin culture. This intercultural mixture in connection with the abundance of nature and the power of the feminine – carried us through these two weeks.
The program included many exchanges, cultural dances, ceremonies and customs of the Huni Kuin, workshops by Alexandra, Jaci and Magda on topics of sensuality & femininity as well as enjoying the powerful, sacred nature on site together. We used the time to discuss with the Huni Kuin women their planned projects, to structure them and to take first steps. You will hear more about these projects soon through the channels of Living Gaia e.V.
What we take away from these two weeks and what we definitely don’t want to withhold from you?
As a community of different cultures we can find common social ways to get back in touch with nature. Reclaiming the feminine power helps us as an anchor and drive in this endeavor.
We have posted a Facebook photo album from Encontro Camp at this link:
The next Encontro Camp will take place in February 2023.